Feb 12, 2025  
2021 - 2022 Adler Catalog 
2021 - 2022 Adler Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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DCES 858 - DCES Social Justice Internship II

This is a continuation of the Social Justice Internship (SJI), which is designed to advance students’ degree of understanding of leadership in effecting change at the community and professional level. The overall experience serves as a catalyst for doctoral-level students to develop strengths and competencies in the context of lifelong responsibility for ethical and culturally relevant leadership and advocacy practices. Students will gain exposure to social problems at the systemic and policy levels in which marginalized communities experience social injury. In addition, the Social Justice Internship provides strategies of leadership in relation to current multicultural and social justice issues. Students must start SJI in the fall semester of their third year in the program and complete the internship by the last day of spring term. In the spring term, students can continue their previous work or embark on another approved project or activity. SJI requirements include (1) completion of a minimum of 200 hours, (2) attendance at a monthly Campus Community Engagement workshop, and (3) a formal SJI presentation at the Annual Community Engagement Symposium. Students must also receive a grade of Pass for the midterm and final evaluation to receive credit for completing the SJI. The SJI may not be waived, and life credit is not admissible to meet this requirement.

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