The Adler University Student Handbook and the Adler University Catalog provide important information and serve as references to guide students of Adler University. The most current version of these documents can be found in the Adler Catalog at catalog.adler.edu. The Adler University Student Handbook is supplemented by other handbooks and documents covering topics such as practicum, the doctoral internship, the doctoral dissertation, the master’s thesis, and qualifying examinations. Students are encouraged to view these essential documents on the Adler Connect Portal at connect.adler.edu.
This Adler University Student Handbook is meant as a guide only and does not serve as a contract between the University and its students. Adler University reserves the right to change the policies and procedures outlined in this handbook and the schedules, fees, and regulations affecting students. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with all policies and procedures in this handbook and any updates posted on the Adler Connect Portal and Adler Catalog.
Acceptable Use of Electronic Mail, the Internet, and Other Technology
Alcohol and Other Substances
Audio and Video Recording Policy
Basic Student-Trainee Competencies Policy
Campus Safety and Campus Closure
Children on Campus
Civil and Criminal Law
Guest Visitation and Responsibility
Photography Release
Posting or Sharing Information on Chicago Campus or Via Campus Communications
Professional Communication Skills
Reasonable Directives from a University Official or Office
Summary of Procedures, Rights, and Responsibilities - Chicago Campus
Unauthorized Entry to University Facilities
This policy outlines the acceptable use of the electronic communication tools owned, paid for, and/or operated by the University.
Recent advances in electronic communications and information technologies present valuable opportunities for Adler. These technologies, when properly used, support University activities and enable it to better serve Adler students, staff, faculty, clients, and customers through closer and timelier communications and nearly instantaneous access to vast stores of information. In recognition of these benefits, Adler has made substantial investments in its electronic communications and information systems. While Adler encourages the use of its systems, such use carries with it important responsibilities. The careless or inappropriate use of these systems can have dramatic consequences, harming Adler, the individual users of its systems, and others. This policy is intended to minimize the likelihood of such harm by educating users of Adler’s electronic communication tools as to proper and improper usage of such tools and by setting forth the conditions that apply whenever Adler’s electronic communication tools are being used.
This policy addresses the appropriate use of Adler’s electronic “communication tools.” These tools include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Telephones, pagers, cellular phones, and voicemail facilities.
- E-mail systems.
- Fax machines, modems, and servers.
- Handheld devices, laptops, and desktop computers.
- Software licensed to Adler.
- All internal and external computer and communications networks (such as internet browsers, commercial online services, and e-mail systems) are accessible directly or indirectly from Adler’s computer network.
Conditions of Access
Access to Adler’s communication tools is provided in conjunction with the University’s business and the job responsibilities of everyone working on its behalf. All use of Adler’s communication tools is subject to this policy and other Adler policies and procedures that may be implicated by such use. Adler’s communication tools also may be made available to individuals who are not employees of Adler (e.g., students, customers, temporary employees, vendors, and subcontractors). Such individuals’ use of Adler’s communication tools is also governed by this policy.
Communication tools and the data created, entered, received, stored, or transmitted by Adler’s communication tools, including electronic files and messages, are University property and are subject to inspection by the University at all times. E-mail messages and other electronic files belong to Adler. The use of Adler’s communication tools is a privilege that may be revoked at any time. Anyone who uses or is granted access to such tools must comply with the provisions of this policy.
Acceptable Use
Adler’s communication tools may be used to communicate internally with employees of Adler or externally with consultants, suppliers, vendors, other business relations and acquaintances. Adler provides electronic communication tools to facilitate business communications, enhance productivity, and improve service. The internet may be used for appropriate business uses such as: research, updates of business information or news, or for specifically approved projects.
As with the telephone, there may be occasions to use these facilities for appropriate personal purposes. Occasional, limited appropriate personal use of Adler’s communication tools is permitted so long as it does not interfere with the performance of an employee’s job and/or the transaction of Adler University business, consume significant resources or excessive time, give rise to more than nominal additional costs, or interfere with the activities of other employees of Adler.
You have no expectation of privacy in connection with your use of Adler’s electronic communication tools. By using these tools, you consent to monitoring your usage. All communications transmitted, received and/or stored using any of Adler’s electronic communication tools are subject to being accessed and reviewed by Adler, regardless of the business or personal nature of the communication. Users should not assume that any such communications are private.
Unacceptable Use
Notwithstanding the limited personal use noted above, to further the goals of limiting liability and curbing unlawful or inappropriate behavior, the following uses of Adler’s electronic communication tools are inappropriate in any context:
- Users should not monopolize Adler’s electronic communication tools to the exclusion of others. Accordingly, activities such as sending mass e-mails or e-mails with large attachments that are not business-related, sending chain e-mails, spending excessive amounts of time on the internet, engaging in online chat groups, printing multiple copies of documents, or otherwise creating unnecessary network traffic are not allowed.
- Because audio, video, and picture files require significant storage space, files of this sort should not be downloaded unless they are business-related.
- Users should not install any software products on or modify the operating characteristics of any computer system owned or operated by Adler without permission of the network administrator.
- In addition to the other restrictions and conditions discussed in this policy, Adler’s communication tools shall not be used:
- To engage in activities for personal financial gain (e.g., day trading, gambling).
- To solicit others for activities or causes unrelated to the Adler’s business.
- To disseminate or publish any defamatory, discriminatory, or obscene material.
- To infringe, attempt to infringe, or aid in any way in the infringement or attempted infringement on another person’s or entity’s intellectual property rights (e.g., copyrights).
- To violate, attempt to violate or aid in any way in the violation or attempted violation of any applicable telecommunications license or any laws that govern transborder data flow (e.g., laws dealing with data collection, protection, privacy, confidentiality, and security).
- To violate, attempt to violate, or aid in any way in the violation or attempted violation of any other law.
Adler shall not be responsible for any losses or damages resulting from or relating to any use of Adler’s communication tools.
Unacceptable Content
Material that is or could reasonably be construed as harassing, offensive, embarrassing, sexually explicit, racially demeaning, profane, abusive, threatening, intimidating, pornographic, obscene, defamatory or otherwise unlawful or inappropriate may not be sent or received by, viewed or displayed on, copied to, stored in, accessed from or downloaded to Adler’s communication tools. Users encountering or receiving this kind of material should not forward the material and should immediately bring the material to the attention of a supervisor. In addition, any user who believes Adler’s communication tools are being used in a manner which violates either this policy or Adler’s policies prohibiting harassment should immediately report the matter pursuant to the requirements below and pursuant to Adler’s anti-harassment policy. It is the responsibility of all users of Adler’s communication tools to see that these tools are used in an appropriate manner at all times.
Examples of unacceptable content include, but are not limited to:
- Sexual, racial, ethnic or religious slurs, drawings, cartoons or jokes.
- Pornographic or sexually explicit language or material.
- Unwelcome propositions, requests for dates or love letters.
- Any message that could reasonably be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on sex, race, age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or other status protected by law.
- Any other material which is inappropriate for a business environment.
Even personal e-mail, internet visits, and voicemail messages may be accessed by Adler’s management without notice. To ensure the lawful use of Adler’s communication tools under this policy, Adler reserves the right to inspect the content of all information and messages generated by or contained in any of its communication tools. Users should not assume that any such usage or communications are private.
Transmitting Confidential Information
In recognition of the significant responsibility of protecting confidential or sensitive information, Adler’s communication tools, especially its e-mail system, should not be used to transmit confidential communications.
Keep in mind that deleting e-mail does not necessarily remove the e-mail from the system. There is also a possibility that, when documents are transmitted electronically, earlier drafts of the documents thought to have been deleted may be retrieved. Accordingly, extreme care must be taken when using e-mail to transmit confidential or sensitive communications, even internally.
All users are required to use good business judgment to safeguard Adler University information and to protect against inadvertent disclosure of confidential or sensitive information in situations where there is a need to communicate such information electronically. Failure to exercise an appropriate level of care when transmitting confidential information electronically is a violation of this policy and may result in discipline up to and including discharge.
Etiquette and the University Representation
E-mail and voicemail messages reflect Adler’s image. Such messages, therefore, should always be composed in a professional manner that is no different than the manner used to compose letters or memoranda on Adler letterhead. Inappropriate use of Adler’s facilities may damage the Adler’s reputation and could give rise to Adler and individual liabilities. Accordingly, every effort must be made to be professional in all usage of Adler’s communication tools. In addition, employees using Adler’s electronic communication tools should be aware that materials created and stored on the Adler’s network systems may constitute public records subject to disclosure under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.
Limits of Privacy
Because communication tools are provided for Adler’s business purposes, employees using Adler’s communication tools have no expectation that any information transmitted over Adler’s facilities or stored in Adler’s computers, including deleted information, is or will remain private. These systems are owned and/or controlled by Adler and are accessible at all times by Adler without notice for maintenance, upgrades, or any other business or lawful purposes. Use of passwords to gain access to the computer system or to secure particular files or messages does not imply that users have an expectation of privacy in any material created or received on the computer system. Adler has online passwords that permit it to access all material stored on the system, regardless of whether such material has been password-protected by the user. To protect the integrity and security of the computer system, employees should not share passwords with other individuals.
Adler permits limited personal use of its communication tools as set forth herein with the express understanding that it reserves the right to review employee use of and to inspect all material created by or stored on these communication tools. It is essential that Adler be able to ensure that its communication tools, which are provided primarily for Adler’s business purposes, are being used in a proper manner consistent with this policy. For this reason, Adler reserves the right to monitor, search, retrieve, and/or read any and all aspects of its electronic communication and network systems. Use of Adler’s communication tools constitutes each employee’s permission for Adler to monitor communications and to access files that are made on or with these communication tools.
Malware can cause substantial damage to electronic communications and information systems. Each user is responsible for taking precautions to ensure they do not introduce malware into Adler’s networks. To that end, all material received on floppy disk or other magnetic or optical medium and all material downloaded from the internet or from computers or networks that do not belong to Adler must be scanned for viruses and other destructive programs before being placed onto Adler’s network. Users should also understand that their home computers and laptops may contain viruses, and that all disks transferred from these computers to Adler’s network must be scanned for viruses.
Regulation and Enforcement
Misuse of any of Adler’s communication tools or violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including suspension of user privileges or termination of employment. Criminal or civil action may result in appropriate instances. If individuals believe they have been harassed or discriminated against in violation of this policy, they should follow the complaint procedure outlined in the Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures (Chicago/Online Campuses) and Student Complaints and Appeal Policy and Procedure in the catalog . Any questions regarding Adler’s communication tools should be directed to the Office of Information Technology or the Office of People and Culture.
Tobacco, Drug, and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
Smoke Free Environment
All Adler University campuses are smoke-free, including vaping. In addition, smoking is not permitted within 15 feet or six meters of any entrances. This also includes no smoking under awnings during inclement weather. If a local law ordinance provides greater protection for the rights of non-smokers, it will apply.
Alcohol Policy
Alcohol beverages may be served to and consumed by persons of legal drinking age on University premises or practicum and internship sites in conjunction with a specifically authorized function. Individuals consuming alcohol and other legal drugs should do so responsibly.
Drug-Free Environment
In compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA), Adler University explicitly prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs by students or employees on University premises or as part of any of its activities. Controlled substances are subjects of federal and state/provincial laws. Information coming to the attention of the University involving the sale, exchange, or transfer of drugs from one person to another may be communicated to public officials for the purpose of prosecution.
Legal Penalties
Students who violate the Alcohol and Drug Policy are subject to Adler’s sanctions and criminal sanctions provided by federal, state/provincial, and local law.
Federal Law: Under the revised federal sentencing guidelines, federal courts can sentence simple-possession first offenders to one year in prison and a $100,000 fine. Penalties for subsequent convictions are significantly greater. A sentence of life imprisonment can result from a conviction for possession of a controlled substance that results in death or bodily injury. The most current information can be found on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration website.
Illinois Law: Possession and delivery of illicit drugs are prohibited in Illinois. Penalties vary with the amount of the drug confiscated; the type of drug found; the number of previous offenses by the individual; and whether the individual intended to manufacture, sell, or use the drug. A first-time conviction of possession of a controlled substance can result in a one- to three-year prison sentence plus a fine of up to $15,000. More severe penalties may be imposed for conviction of class 2, 3, or 4 felonies involving manufacture or delivery to a minor. Further information on Illinois penalties and sanctions can be found here Illinois Penalties and Sanctions.
Vancouver Campus: Use of illicit drugs by any person is illegal under the provincial and federal statutes. Use of alcohol by persons under 19 years of age is illegal under provincial law. Penalties of conviction under provincial law include incarceration and fines. Property used in connection with illegal drugs may be confiscated.
Health Risks Associated with Use of Illicit Drugs, the Misuse of Legal Drugs, and Alcohol Abuse
There are health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and abuse of legal drugs and alcohol. This includes impaired functioning of the following major organs: liver, kidneys, brain, and other aspects of the central nervous system, such as impaired immune functioning and impaired lung and pulmonary functioning. The effects are both immediate and long-term. Immediate effects include impaired judgment, impaired attention span, and impaired gross and fine motor control. Long-term effects include the risk of premature death. The use of needles to inject drugs into the blood stream engenders the risk of contracting H.I.V. or hepatitis. These health risks may affect one’s daily life activities, as well as familial, social, and working relationships.
Drug and alcohol abuse causes physical and emotional dependence, in which users may develop a craving for a particular substance. Thus, their bodies may respond to the presence of such substances in ways that lead to increased drug and alcohol use. Certain drugs, such as opiates, barbiturates, alcohol, and nicotine create physical dependence. With prolonged use, these drugs become part of the body chemistry. When a regular user stops taking the drug, the body experiences the physiological trauma known as withdrawal. Psychological dependence occurs when taking drugs becomes the center of the user’s life. Drugs have an effect on the mind and body for weeks or even months after drug use has stopped. Drugs and alcohol can interfere with memory, sensation, and perception. They distort experiences and cause loss of self-control that can lead users to harm others as well as themselves.
Counseling, Treatment, or Rehabilitation Programs
Any student who fails to abide by the terms of the Tobacco, Drug, and Alcohol Prevention Program may be required to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state/provincial or local health officials, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency. Specific programs of counseling or rehabilitation are available within the greater Chicagoland area and the Vancouver area. If you need assistance finding a program, please contact the Office of Student Affairs in Chicago and the Office of Student Services in Vancouver.
Adler University will impose sanctions against individuals determined to have violated the Tobacco, Drug, and Alcohol Prevention Program policies. Sanctions for students who use, possess, sell, or distribute illegal drugs or violate the University’s Alcohol Policy include, but are not limited to, warnings, disciplinary probation, and in appropriate cases, suspension or expulsion from the University. Students will also be held responsible for any damages that result from their misconduct or violation of these policies.
This information is a general summary of the significant laws on alcohol and illicit drugs. Laws frequently change and applications of law to specific situations require legal counsel.
Students are not permitted to record a class or meeting (audio and/or video) without prior authorization by the instructor. If audio and/or video recording is permitted, or if it is a course requirement, the instructor will review expectations of this process (including storing, downloading, distribution, retention, and deletion). A student with disabilities may have an accommodation to record a class or meeting or in an extenuating circumstance. When recordings are prohibited, alternative learning arrangements will be made by the instructor to meet student accommodation needs. Unless verbal and/or written permission has been obtained from the faculty member or speaker, a student does not have the right to distribute or disseminate these recordings. This is consistent with the standards of the profession in terms of privacy and confidentiality. A request for recording must be submitted no later than 24 hours before the scheduled class or meeting to the instructor.
Students who believe that their classes or meetings are being inappropriately recorded, or otherwise misused recordings, should contact their program director. Students who breach this policy are subject to consequence, up to and including withdrawal from the school.
Federal regulations state that students with disabilities, who are unable to take or read notes, have the right to record class lectures for personal study purposes. The use of a recording device is to supplement the student’s note-taking ability. Recordings will not be shared privately or publicly and will be destroyed by the student with accommodations at the end of each semester. By attending Adler University, you are consenting to possibly be recorded by students with disabilities who have an audio recording accommodation. Questions concerning this notice can be directed to [email protected].
Adler University expects that socially responsible practitioners will demonstrate competence within and across a number of dimensions. Faculty, training staff, supervisors, and administrators have a duty and responsibility to evaluate the competence of students across multiple aspects of performance and functioning. In consequence, ongoing evaluation addresses student progress not only in the academic arena, but also in other areas of professional development related to skills and attitudes.
Students at Adler University must demonstrate a basic set of core interpersonal, personal, and intellectual skills, as well as attitudes and values, representing the baseline competencies of socially responsible practitioners. It is expected that students will further develop these competencies as they progress through the program. These core skills and attitudes include the following:
- Interpersonal skills: The student demonstrates the ability to listen to and to be empathic with others, to form relationships, and to interact respectfully with others in spite of differing experiences, values, backgrounds, or points of view.
- Expressive skills: The student demonstrates the ability to appropriately communicate ideas and feelings in oral, non-verbal, and written forms.
- Cognitive skills: The student demonstrates appropriate problem-solving ability, critical thinking skills, organized reasoning, intellectual curiosity, and flexibility.
- Affective skills: The student demonstrates an ability to tolerate and manage internal states, uncertainty, and interpersonal conflict.
- Reflective skills: The student demonstrates the ability to examine and consider personal motives, attitudes, behaviors, and their effect on others. A reflective skill of special relevance is the ability to be open to and to integrate feedback.
- Personal skills: The student demonstrates a strong work ethic, motivation to learn, personal organization, punctuality, and appropriate self-presentation.
- Attitudes: The student demonstrates the desire to help and advocate for others, to be open to current ideas, and to act with honesty and concern for ethics.
It is the responsibility of the faculty to determine the readiness of each student to advance. The Writing Center is available to students who need assistance. Students may be referred to the departmental Student Development Committee (SDC) for initial remediation. Ongoing concerns are addressed through the Student Comprehensive Evaluation Committee (SCEC).
Adler University’s annual crime statistics are traditionally low. Students are encouraged to report any and all crime or suspicious persons immediately to Adler personnel. Students who violate local, state, provincial, and/or federal laws will be subject to criminal prosecution and face disciplinary action at Adler University, which may result in their dismissal.
Adler University complies with its reporting obligations pursuant to the Clery Act. Information regarding Clery Act reports and reporting can be obtained from the University website. If students have additional questions, contact your campus’s Registrar’s Office. Anyone seeking information about registered sex offenders enrolled or employed at Adler University, contact the Office of People and Culture.
Adler University complies with the requirements of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act. The University shall review this policy on a biennial basis to determine its effectiveness and to ensure that the standards of conduct and judicial sanctions have been consistently enforced.
The unlawful possession, use, distribution, sale, or manufacture of controlled substances is prohibited on any premises owned or controlled by Adler University. Under no circumstance will the University tolerate unlawful possession, use, distribution, sale or manufacture of controlled substances or the unlawful use of alcohol on campus or at University-sponsored activities.
The use of drugs and alcohol can have a substantial and detrimental effect on health. These effects can be permanent and can lead to severe physical and psychological impairment, disability, and premature death. Any student who has a drug- or alcohol-related problem may call upon the University for assistance. The director of Student Affairs can provide a confidential referral to a drug or alcohol treatment program.
Use of illicit drugs by any person is illegal under both the state and federal statutes. Use of alcohol by persons under 21 years of age is illegal under state law. Penalties of conviction under state and federal law include incarceration and fines. Property used in connection with illegal drugs may be confiscated. Federal student loans and grants may be denied to those convicted of a violation of a criminal drug statute.
Emergency Procedures and Notification
While the University strives to provide a safe and secure environment, safety is enhanced when students and employees take precautions such as:
- Never leaving valuables (wallets, purses, books, computers, etc.) unattended.
- Traveling with a friend or companion rather than walking alone, especially at night.
- Avoiding parking or walking in secluded or dimly lit areas.
Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to report all crimes or suspicious persons immediately. Please report all non-emergency incidents to the Facilities Department at x4007 (Chicago) or 236-521-2424 (Vancouver) or Adler Campus Safety at x4002 (Chicago) or 236-521-2440 (Vancouver) . In case of an emergency, the Chicago or Vancouver police departments and Chicago or Vancouver fire departments can be reached by dialing 911 from any phone.
Fire Department
Bomb and Arson Hotline
Office of the Building
Security - 1 N. Dearborn
Adler Facilities
Adler Campus Safety
Building Address
17 N. Dearborn St. Chicago, IL 60602
Fire Department
Adler Facilities Manager
Adler Reception Desk
Adler Security Desk
Building Address (Vancouver) |
520 Seymour St.,Vancouver, BC V6B 3J5
Vancouver Police Non-Emergency Line
Office of the Building
(Canadian Urban Limited)
Active Shooter Response
Response to an active shooter or violent person is one of the most dynamic situations anyone will ever face. Before the arrival of police personnel, the best responses to an active shooter will be dictated by the specific circumstances of the encounter, keeping in mind there could be more than one active shooter involved in the same situation. Anyone in an active shooter situation should try to remain as calm as possible and use these suggested actions to help plan a strategy for survival. The entire area is still a crime scene and should be left undisturbed if possible.
If an active shooter comes into a classroom or office:
- Flee or shelter in place - the decision to flee or seek shelter inside the room can only be made by you and depends on the circumstances.
- Try to remain calm; it will aid in decision-making.
- Call 911 if possible, and alert police to the active shooter’s location.
- If you cannot speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can hear what is taking place. Usually, the location of a caller can be determined without speaking.
- After all options have been exhausted, you may be faced with the decision to overpower the active shooter with force by whatever means necessary.
- If sheltered, always wait for an “All Clear” signal from a recognized authority and follow the directions of uniformed police.
If an active shooter is inside the building:
- Shelter in place - secure the room you are in by locking or barricading the door using available material.
- If you cannot secure the room, determine if there is a nearby location that you can reach safely and securely, then, if you can, safely exit the building.
- Call 911 if possible, and alert police to the active shooter’s location.
- If sheltered, always wait for an “All Clear” signal from a recognized authority and follow the directions of uniformed police.
If caught outside in the open:
- Hide behind something and wait for emergency personnel.
- If not in immediate danger, flee the area but do not run in a straight line.
- Call 911 when safely away.
- If you cannot hide or flee, lie on the floor; be still, be quiet, and wait for help.
- After all other options have been exhausted, you may be faced with the decision to overpower the active shooter with force by whatever means necessary.
- If sheltered or lying still, always wait for an “All Clear” signal from recognized authority and follow the directions of uniformed police.
When police arrive:
- Wait for the “All Clear” signal from recognized authorities and follow the directions of uniformed police.
- Put your hands in the air to show you are not a threat.
- If you know where the active shooter is located, tell the officers.
- Do not try to move any injured people; leave them where they are and notify the authorities of their location.
- Do as the officers tell you.
Building Evacuation Information
If an emergency threatens the building occupants’ safety and an evacuation is ordered, the primary goal is to help the individuals in danger evacuate safely and quickly. The following evacuation procedures will be followed.
- Building Management will sound the alarm on University floors.
- Occupants will be instructed via the building emergency speaker system to proceed to an exit.
- Adler Facilities and Campus Safety will help coordinate the evacuation.
- All occupants should walk down the right side of the stairwell in a single-file line.
- Adler Facilities and Campus Safety will check all offices/areas and place a post-it note on the door once a room is confirmed to be empty.
- Those exiting the building must listen to and follow all directions from Fire Department personnel.
- Depending on the situation, Adler University’s Mass Notification System may also be used to notify of an emergency and/or evacuation.
General Evacuation Guidelines and Best Practices
- DO NOT GO TO THE ROOF. Never go to the roof of any building during an emergency. The door will likely be locked, and emergency personnel cannot quickly reach the roof to rescue individuals.
- STAY TO THE RIGHT WITHIN STAIRWELLS to allow emergency personnel to pass.
- GO DOWN within the stairwell, not up to a higher floor, unless directed.
Security matters such as burglary, vandalism, graffiti, unwanted solicitors, suspicious or intoxicated persons, and suspicious activities should be reported to the 1 N. Dearborn Security Desk at 312-781-2557, Adler Campus Safety at x4002, and the Facilities Department at x4007. In Vancouver, contact the Security Desk at 236-521-2440. If the situation is an emergency, immediately call 911.
Crime Prevention Tips:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- If you see a suspicious person on your floor, immediately contact security at x4002. In Vancouver, contact the facilities manager or reception team.
- Lock up all personal valuables even if you do not intend to be away for an extended period of time.
- Lock your desk drawers, file cabinets, and other storage spaces at the end of the day and take your keys with you.
- After hours and on weekends, check-in and out at the Security Desk.
Fire Safety
If you smell smoke or see fire:
- Activate the fire alarm, alert others, and move everyone away from the area of the fire, closing doors behind you.
- Call 911 and report the location of the fire - specify floor as needed. Calmly relate the nature of the emergency as you observe it. Answer all questions. Do not hang up until instructed to do so by the 911 operator.
- Use a fire extinguisher on small fires (wastebasket sized) only if it is safe.
- If time permits, call 1 N. Dearborn Security Desk at 312-781-2557 or the Vancouver Campus Security Desk at 236-521-2440. Inform the security officer of the situation and that you have called 911.
- Notify Adler Campus Safety at x4002.
- Close all doors leading to the fire as quickly as possible, this will help confine the fire until the fire department arrives.
- Adler Facilities and Campus Safety or the floor wardens in Vancouver will begin to lead everyone on your floor to the stairwells. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS.
- Persons unable to utilize the stairs will be assisted to the nearest safe exit stairwell, and fire personnel should be notified of their location. Adler personnel might use whistles or other mobile communication devices to assist in alerting others of danger. However, if you do not have a whistle, do not be shy - shout as loudly as possible to alert others.
- Be familiar with the location of ALL stairwells so that if one is blocked, you know where the nearest alternative is located. There are four stairwells in this building.
- You will be instructed, via the building emergency speaker system, to proceed to a specific floor and to exit the stairwell onto that floor.
- In Chicago, the fire department recommends evacuating two floors above and five floors below the fire/emergency floor in all high-rise office buildings. Exiting the stairwells is done to allow emergency personnel to use the stairs without interference.
- Remain in the designated area until further instructions are issued.
If your clothes are on fire, immediately:
- STOP wherever you are.
- DROP to an unobstructed floor.
- ROLL repeatedly to extinguish the flames.
If you are in a smoke-filled area:
- Kneel on the floor.
- Take short breaths through the nose.
- Stay low - air is clearer near the floor.
- Crawl to the nearest exit.
- Feel all doors before opening.
- If the doors are hot, DO NOT OPEN.
- If the doors are cool, open the door slowly and stay behind the door.
- If heat or pressure comes through the door, close the door immediately and tightly.
Medical Emergencies
In the event of an injury or accident in the building:
- Evaluate the situation as quickly as possible using all available information. Ask yourself:
- Is the situation serious?
- What kind of accident/illness is it?
- Is the person coherent?
- Is the person intoxicated?
- Is the person complaining of chest pains?
- How many people are injured?
- If the patient is seriously hurt or too sick to assume responsibility for themselves, call 911 for assistance.
- Ensure that someone stays with the ill or injured person.
- while you telephone for help.
- Do not hang up until the dispatcher has all the information they need.
- Arrange to have someone meet the paramedics at the assigned entrance and direct them to the ill or injured person.
- Calmly reassure the ill or injured person that help is on the way.
- Notify the facilities manager at 2424 Campus Safety immediately at x4002.
- Do not attempt to move the ill or injured person or assist them without proper training.
- If the ill or injured person is coherent, let them decide what to do:
- Rest for a short period.
- Call a taxicab to go home.
Reporting Concerning Behavior
On college campuses, behaviors of concern sometimes go unreported until a tragedy occurs, and then people come forward with bits of information that, in retrospect, may have signaled a larger issue. This information may help prevent tragic events and assist an individual when viewed collectively. Adler University is committed to a proactive approach and relies on all community members for help. Anyone observing concerning behavior in another should report it as follows:
- Students should report information to the director of Student Affairs/Student Services.
- Employees should report information to the Office of People and Culture.
Severe Weather (Chicago)
When a severe weather watch is issued by the weather service, 1 N. Dearborn Security management will monitor storm conditions in preparation for a potential emergency. The building staff will initiate emergency procedures if conditions escalate to a warning.
Preparation for severe weather:
- Close all windows, blinds, and curtains.
- Move loose items away from the windows to reduce flying debris if the window should break.
Severe Weather Evacuation
- 1 N. Dearborn Security management will contact the suite leader to give instructions for evacuation.
- The suite leader will then mobilize the searchers and stairwell monitors and evacuate all employees into the corridors and stairwells. Evacuation into these areas will help prevent injuries from flying glass and debris.
- Doors between outer offices and inner spaces should be closed.
- Turn off and unplug all computers, telecommunications and office equipment, and appliances to protect them from power surges.
- Never use the elevators during a weather emergency. If the power goes out, you will be trapped.
During the evacuation, building security will tour each floor to help supervise and check on tenants’ needs. Stay in your place of shelter until notified it is safe to leave.
Earthquake Procedures (Vancouver)
What to expect
- There might be violent shaking or some sudden thumps.
- Fire and burglar alarms will likely go off, and buildings may creak and groan.
- Light fixtures will sway, and furniture will shake and start to move across the floor.
- Tall, unsupported bookshelves and filing cabinets may fall over, and unsecured items may fall from their shelves.
What to do
If you are inside:
- Take cover by getting under a sturdy desk or table. Grab the legs and hold on until the shaking stops.
- If there are no tables, stay where you are, cover your face and head with your arm, and crouch in an inside corner of the room.
- Avoid windows, appliances, and heavy objects that could fall on you (bookcases, file cabinets, heavy mirrors, etc.).
- Do not use elevators.
- Stay indoors until the shaking stops, then cautiously move outdoors only if it is safe to do so.
If you are outside:
- Move into open space away from electrical lines, streetlights, trees, and buildings if possible.
Afterward, be prepared for aftershocks and report any electrical problems to the Facilities Manager at 236-521-2424.
Nearest Disaster Support Hubs:
Oppenheimer Park - 400 Powell St., Vancouver.
- Strathcona Community Centre - 601 Keefer St., Vancouver.
- Coal Harbour Community Centre - 480 Broughton St., Vancouver.
University Closing Notifications
In the event of severe weather conditions, for safety reasons, or for building emergencies, campus administrators may decide to close one or all three campuses unexpectedly. Every reasonable effort will be made to notify students and employees.
Campus closings will be communicated by facilities, Inside Adler, or the executive dean of the appropriate campus.
Adler does not permit students to bring children under 18 to any campus. Children of students are allowed to visit only in exceptional circumstances and must be supervised at all times. Children are not permitted inside classrooms, computer labs, or the library, and extended stays are not permissible. Any child who comes to campus must be registered with Campus Safety upon arrival. After-hours/weekend visits must be pre-registered and pre-approved by the Facilities Manager. See the Guest Visitation and Responsibility policy in the handbook for guidelines regarding campus visitors.
Any student who violates any state, federal, or municipal law may be subject to referral to the Student Comprehensive Evaluation Committee for said offense(s) up to and including administrative withdrawal or dismissal. The adjudication of such violations may proceed regardless and/or independently of any action taken by state, federal, or municipal agencies. For students on the Online Campus, an immediate referral to the Executive Dean may occur and could result in dismissal.
Criminal Activity While in Attendance
Students who engage in criminal activity are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the program or University. The student has an obligation to report to their campus respective executive dean and the director of Student Affairs any criminal charges or convictions that may impact their ability to remain enrolled at the University or impact their eligibility regarding internships, placements, and/or practicum sites. Failure to disclose such information within 15 calendar days of the occurrence or event, or the submission of false or incomplete information at any time, including during the application process, may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the program or University.
Disorderly, Violent, Intimidating, or Dangerous Behavior to Self or Others
Adler University is committed to providing a safe learning and working environment for the entire community. Members of the Adler community, including the University’s students, faculty, staff, guests, affiliates, and visitors have the right to be free from all forms of violence. In that regard, all employees, independent contractors, vendors, and students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others.
Adler will not tolerate violence, threats, harassment, intimidation, or other such disruptive behavior perpetrated by any employee, independent contractor, vendor, or student on our campuses, or at any off-campus locations or programs affiliated with or related to the University in any way.
Employees, independent contractors, vendors, and/or students are not to engage by any means in behavior that threatens, harms, or causes anyone, including themselves, to be placed in harm’s way, or to exhibit behavior that is illegal, destructive, lewd, indecent, or obscene. This policy applies to in-person interactions, as well as online behavior, including social media and other internet-based communication tools that may affect community safety or the overall quality of the educational experience. Such behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following examples and are applicable for all individuals regardless of campus:
- Intentionally inflicting bodily harm upon any person.
- Taking any action for the purpose of inflicting physical harm upon any person.
- Taking reckless action that results in physical harm to any person.
- Threatening by any means of transmission the use of force to physically harm or injure any person.
- Disrupting the educational environment, impeding classes, causing significant emotional harm, and/or endangering the safety, health, or life of any person on campus through actions or words.
- Obstructing fire escape routes, such as hallways or stairwells.
- Damaging or defacing University property or the property of students or University faculty, staff, guests, affiliates, or visitors.
- Brandishing a weapon or firearm.
- Stalking.
- Attempting or committing nonconsensual sexual contact.
- Articulating plans to bring weapons to the classroom or workplace or to use a weapon to harm a person, group of people, or the community.
- Statements indicating approval of the use of violence to resolve a problem.
- Intimidation, harassment, hazing, or bullying.
- Committing acts of an indecent or lewd nature.
- Retaliating against any individual who, in good faith, reports or otherwise opposes a violation of this policy or who participates in an investigation of alleged violations of this policy.
- Aiding or abetting others in any of the above actions.
- Enlisting, coercing, or otherwise persuading others to do any of the above actions.
Any employee, independent contractor, vendor, and/or student who is aware of an emergency or has an immediate safety concern should not hesitate to call 911 and go to a safe location. If you are concerned about another person’s behavior, and it is not an emergency, please contact the Office of Student Affairs/Student Services (for matters involving students) or the Associate Vice President of People and Culture (for matters involving employee/independent contractors) to report the matter promptly. Preventing violence at the University depends on members of the community identifying and communicating behaviors of concern.
Violation of this policy is considered to be serious misconduct that can lead to disciplinary and other action up to and including termination in the case of employees and academic expulsion in the case of students. Additionally, when appropriate, Adler University may pursue civil or criminal prosecutions against employees, independent contractors, vendors, and/or students who violate this policy.
All other questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Office of Student Affairs/Student Services (students) or the Associate Vice President People and Culture (employee/independent contractors).
Chicago Campus
During regular business hours, all guests at the Chicago Campus must sign in at the main reception area on the 15th floor where they will be issued a guest badge. Students are expected to remain with their guests at all times while on campus.
Students are generally not permitted to bring guests to campus outside of public hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Special exceptions may be made if a student wants to give a tour to an out-of-town family member or friend. In such cases, the guest must be pre-approved and registered with Adler Facilities and Campus Safety by emailing [email protected] 48 hours in advance. The guest is not approved until the student receives a confirmation email.
Students at the Chicago Campus must meet their approved guests in the first-floor lobby and check in with the campus safety officer. Guests should not be expected to be on campus for an extended period of time or left alone. If outside Adler Lobby hours (8 a.m.-4 p.m.), students should check in with 1 N. Dearborn security so they can call the 15th floor Campus Safety desk to confirm the guest is approved. Once confirmed, the guest will be permitted access to the elevator. At the 15th floor, the student and guest should check-in with the Adler safety officer. From there a guest badge will be issued.
Vancouver Campus
Guests at the Vancouver Campus are required to sign in at the security desk in the main lobby. Students are expected to always remain with their guests while on campus.
Students are generally not permitted to bring guests to campus outside public hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Special exceptions may be made if a student wants to give a tour to an out-of-town family member or friend. In such cases, the guest must be pre-approved and registered with Adler Facilities and Campus Safety by emailing [email protected] 48 hours in advance. The guest is not approved until the student receives a confirmation email.
On the Vancouver Campus, students must meet their approved guests in the first-floor lobby and check in with the main lobby security guard. Guests should not be expected to be on campus for an extended period of time or left alone. If outside Adler lobby hours (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.), students will need to meet their guest in the main lobby as the maglocks are activated after 5 p.m., and outside guests will not be able to access directly through the main lobby entrance. Once signed in at the security desk, guests will receive a signed-in badge and can continue to access Adler with the student.
Adler University has the irrevocable and unrestricted right and permission to take, use, reuse, publish, and republish photographic portraits, pictures, video, or audio recording of all members of the Adler University community when on campus or at University -related events, initiatives, or the like. Anyone who registers at, visits, or is employed by Adler University permits and authorizes the use and reproduction of photographs, video, or audio recording by the University, or anyone authorized by the University, to create and/or obtain the use of for educational purposes, publicity, marketing, and promotion of the University and its various programs without payment, royalties, or other compensation.
Any student of the University who does not wish to have their photograph published should declare it in writing to the Office of Student Affairs (Chicago) or the director of Student Services (Vancouver).
Anything posted on Chicago Campus or shared by the University to the campus community electronically must be approved by the Office of Student Affairs or appropriate University department before being displayed on campus or shared electronically. Student Affairs or other University department may use their discretion to decline to approve post or share any posting or information on campus. Any unapproved postings will be promptly discarded or not shared.
Any posting or information shared physically or electronically must include:
- The organization or contact person’s name and email address,
- All pertinent event details, including date, time and location
- If location is online, that must be stated with link or RSVP.
- If quotes, statistics, or other referenced data is included, there must be proper citations.
- Surveys or petitions may only be shared if they are University-sponsored or if the individual/group sharing has IRB approval. Surveys and/or petitions may only be shared if they are University-sponsored or if the individual/group sharing has IRB approval.
- Note that the use of postings must not demonstrate support of a political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office, including the solicitation of funds for such purpose or activities. Using University resources or property to do so is not permitted.
- The University supports ethical and effective data collection. Gathering anonymous student feedback is not done outside the regular instruments by which we regularly gather such information, which include the Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory and campus climate surveys. We cannot support gathering information from students upon which the University would have no meaningful way to act.
- Adler has a mass email policy that all staff, faculty, and students are required to follow, Mass Email Policy.pdf (adler.edu).
The following is the process and expectations that must be followed to share information to the campus community electronically:
- Email to [email protected] in advance for approval. Student Affairs is responsible for disseminating, in accordance with Adler’s Mass Email Policy. No other party should be disseminating information
The following is the process and expectations that must be followed to post information, such as event flyers, physically on campus:
- Email to [email protected] in advance for approval.
- If approved, Student Affairs can print the document, or the sponsoring organization may print and take to Student Affairs to be stamped.
- When approval is granted, Student Affairs will stamp APPROVED on the document and include a removal date.
- Student Affairs and/or the sponsoring organization may then post the approved document in the approved locations, including approved campus bulletin boards or in acrylic holders.
- Publicity materials may not be left on furniture or tabletops. Material may not be taped to any doors, windows, cabinets, or interior/exterior walls. Any postings found in unapproved locations will be immediately discarded.
- Postings must be removed within three days of the event date. No posting may be removed by anyone other than the sponsoring organization or University staff.
- Postings that are not deadline-specific and may not exceed a 30-days or the end of the term.
Excellent communication skills are a necessity for today’s practitioners and are foundational to their professional success. In order to ensure that Adler University students will be ready to become tomorrow’s leaders, written and oral communications are evaluated throughout students’ educational and training experiences, from admission to graduation. Adler University offers all students opportunities to develop their communication skills through academic coursework and support services.
While students are held to the highest communication standards in the classroom and professional training contexts, they are also encouraged to consider appropriate methods of communication in other contexts, specifically e-mail, text messages, and social networking. In a technologically connected world, students must understand that virtual personas are rarely private. Information sent or posted electronically may reach potential or current employers, clients, classmates, colleagues, or teachers, causing serious and irreparable harm to an individual’s personal or professional reputation. While all members of the Adler University community are entitled to their own opinions and have the right to free speech, they are urged to use electronic communication platforms thoughtfully and with caution so as not to harm the University’s or their own standing.
Students are not to disregard the reasonable directives, either verbal or written, issued by a University official or office, or obstruct an official in the carrying out of their assigned duties or responsibilities. Failure to follow reasonable directives may result in the referral to the student’s faculty adviser, Student Development Committee, Student Comprehensive Evaluation Committee, or the executive dean of their campus.
In the interest of maintaining a productive and non-coercive educational and work environment, Adler University does not permit external or unauthorized persons to promote or sell merchandise or services door-to-door on campus or campus floors, nor to solicit, distribute information to, or recruit its students or University personnel for any purpose whatsoever. Any group or individual affiliated with Adler University who wishes to distribute literature or printed materials of any kind, to sell or solicit others to purchase memberships, merchandise, or services, or to recruit on campus must be specifically authorized to do so by the Office of Student Affairs or the Office of Student Services. This approval allows the solicitor to operate within a designated area for the approved time. Under no circumstances is the solicitor allowed to leave said area with the intent to approach students. The associate vice president for Campus Operations and Finance will issue solicitation authorizations for the Vancouver Campus.
No solicitation shall interfere or conflict with the mission of Adler University or its occupants. The University reserves the right to cancel any event for violations of guidelines.
General Notification Procedures
Students shall be notified, either in writing or in person, that they have been referred to the Student Development Committee (SDC) by the person making the referral. In most cases, the content or basis for the SDC referral and/or Student Comprehensive Evaluation Committee (SCEC) meeting will have previously been discussed with the student. Details are available in the catalog at, catalog.adler.edu, in the Academic Policies and Procedures section.
Referrals to the SDC are sent to the Office of Student Affairs and the SDC within the student’s respective department.
The SDC and SCEC meetings are not legal proceedings and as such, students cannot bring legal representation. However, the student may invite their adviser. Additionally, the student may bring a liaison from the Office of Student Affairs, as described below.
Students will receive a copy of the SDC referral incident description completed by the person who has made the SDC. referral.
A student will be informed about their SDC. referral via letter (e-mail) from the SDC., which will include whether a meeting is required and what the next steps are.
Meeting with the SDC or the SCEC
The SDC and SCEC meetings cannot be re-scheduled, in the absence of extenuating circumstances. The SDC and SCEC meetings are of the highest priority above practicum, work, and school, excluding an extenuating circumstance. The SDC and SCEC reserve the right to request documentation to support the extenuating circumstance rescheduling request. Students who refuse to meet with the SDC, or do not attend without providing acceptable documentation of an extenuating circumstance, will be automatically referred to the SCEC. Students who refuse to meet with the SCEC, or do not attend without providing acceptable documentation of an extenuating circumstance, may be dismissed from the program.
If a student does need to meet with the SDC or SCEC, they can generally expect a minimum 20-minute meeting with faculty members of the SDC or members of the SCEC.
During an SDC or SCEC meeting, a student is allowed to take notes, but may not audio/visual record.
Students may bring a written statement and/or notes to the SDC or SCEC meeting. The student shall decide whether or not to submit this written statement to the SDC or SCEC.
Students are encouraged to think of strategies that will help them address the concerns stated in the SDC referral, and to share these with the SDC or SCEC during the meeting.
During the meeting, the SDC or SCEC will seek and consider the student’s input in creating a remediation plan or other resources to assist the student, as warranted and as feasible.
Adviser Role & Potential Dual Roles
A student may invite their adviser to the SDC or SCEC meeting. This is strongly encouraged as it is the adviser’s role to listen to the concerns raised and provide support to the student (e.g., discuss the SDC process, help the student prepare for an SDC/SCEC meeting, provide appropriate assistance to the student in fulfilling a remediation plan, etc.). When asked, the advisor may also provide any additional relevant information or insight that the adviser believes will facilitate the SDC’s or the SCEC’s decision-making process. Advisors will usually be asked to provide students with support after the meeting, depending on the outcome and recommendations from the SDC or the SCEC. However, it is ultimately the student’s decision whether their adviser will be present during the SDC or SCEC meeting.
An SDC or SCEC member will recuse themselves as a committee member if they are affiliated with the student as their adviser, or as the referral source. Recusal shall mean the faculty member will not be present during the meeting unless invited by the student (see below), nor make decisions about the outcome of the referral. When an SDC or SCEC member is also the student’s faculty adviser, the member of the SDC. or the SCEC may still attend the meeting solely in their adviser role, if invited by the student. The student’s adviser may then remain after the meeting to provide additional information, if requested by the SDC or SCEC, but will not be allowed to vote as an or SCEC member.
Optional Student Liaison
For any reason, a student may request a staff liaison from the Office of Student Affairs to aid with the SDC or SCEC process, but must do so by sending an email to the Director of Student Affairs at least five business days in advance of the scheduled SDC or SCEC meeting. The purpose of the liaison is to serve as a resource for the student in situations where students may not want to seek support from their adviser, or perhaps feel they need additional support beyond what their adviser is able to offer. For example, this may occur when the advisor is the person who has referred the student to the SDC. However, the liaison is not intended to replace the student’s adviser. Further, the SDC and SCEC retain the right to speak with the student’s adviser. In situations where a liaison is requested by the student within the allotted timeframe, the student may meet with the liaison before the meeting with the SDC (or SCEC) to ask questions and obtain additional support. The student may also request that the liaison attend the SDC (or SCEC) meeting, though this is the student’s decision. Students are also encouraged to meet with the liaison after the SDC (or SCEC) letter has been received by the student.
In situations where the student has requested a liaison to attend the SDC or the SCEC meeting, the liaison may not answer questions for the student, nor provide any additional information, unless requested by a member of the SDC or the SCEC, and the student has given assent.
The liaison shall have no decision-making powers in the SDC or SCEC outcomes and cannot be a member of the SDC or the SCEC.
In situations where the Office of Students Affairs is unable to provide the student with a staff liaison, the program director or department chair, after consultation with the student and prospective designee, shall appoint another University employee to assist the student as a liaison. Because finding another designee may require more time, the timeline stated in the Student Referral Process Chart may not apply but will not circumvent the SDC process.
Outcomes & Remediation
The SDC or the SCEC will review all referrals as a committee in order to make decisions.
In some circumstances, the SDC or the SCEC may request additional information from the student after the meeting concludes before making a decision.
A letter that contains feedback from the SDC or the SCEC will be sent to the student, their adviser, the Office of Student Affairs, the department chair, and the respective Training Department. The letter will state the decision(s) of the SDC or the SCEC, requirement(s) for the student, and timeline(s) for completion.
If a student has questions about the content of the SDC or the SCEC letter, the student should contact the SDC or the SCEC via the e-mail address which the letter was sent from. Students are also encouraged to meet with their adviser or the Office of Student Affairs staff liaison to discuss these questions.
In some situations, students will be required to meet with their adviser or other faculty and staff to assist with a remediation process. These individuals may be asked to provide updates on the student.
The SDC or the SCEC may follow-up with both the student and the adviser at the end and start of semesters to track the remediation process, as needed, depending on the remediation.
Students who fail to complete their remediation in the timeframe stated in the SDC letter will be contacted to discuss the next possible steps, including potential referral to SCEC. Students who fail to complete their remediation in the timeframe stated in the SCEC letter may be dismissed from the program.
SDC & SCEC Appeals
Students have the right to appeal the decisions made by the SDC or the SCEC. A student may appeal the decision based on the following criterion:
- There is procedural error identified that indicates a substantial breach of institutional processes or procedures.
- There is new information of a substantive nature that was not available at the time the decision was made. New information may require documentation.
- The initial decision is biased or in violation of stated student rights.
Students who wish to appeal for the reasons stated above must present an appeal, in writing, within 10 business days of the initial decision date.
Students who wish to appeal are encouraged to consult with their adviser and/or the Office of Student Affairs.
For SDC appeals, the appeal should be directed to the department chair. Students must submit an appeal clearly stating the grounds for the appeal and any supporting statement or documentation. The department chair will decide if a meeting with the student is necessary. The department chair may also speak with the referral source or any other individual relevant to the SDC referral. The department chair will render a written decision to the student within 10 business days of receipt of the appeal letter. The University reserves the right to extend the decision date depending on the circumstances in order to conduct a full review. This extension will not exceed 30 business days. The department chair can, at their discretion convene an appeal review committee to review any appeal decisions. All decisions on SDC appeals are final.
When the department chair is also the person who referred the student to the SDC, the department chair shall recuse themselves, and the appeal shall be directed to the vice president of Academic Affairs (VPAA).For SCEC appeals, the appeal should be directed to the campus executive dean. Students must submit an appeal clearly stating the grounds for the appeal and any supporting statement or documentation. The executive dean will decide if a meeting with the student is necessary. The executive dean may also speak with the referral source or any other individuals relevant to the SCEC referral. The executive dean will render a written decision to the student within 10 business days of receipt of the appeal letter. The University reserves the right to extend the decision date depending on the circumstances in order to conduct a full review. This extension will not exceed 30 business days. The executive dean can, at their discretion convene an appeal review committee to review any appeal decisions. A Decision from an executive dean can be appealed to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA). The criteria and procedures for review by the VPAA is the same as that by the executive dean.
Forcible or unauthorized entry into any building, facility, room, office, or container (file cabinet, desk drawer, etc.) at the University is prohibited.
The presence of weapons on the Chicago or Vancouver campus poses an unacceptable risk to the health and safety of all members and guests of Adler University. The storage, possession, or use of firearms, fireworks, explosives, or weapons of any kind, including replicas or facsimiles, anywhere on either campus is prohibited. This prohibition applies to all students, employees, independent contractors, and visitors, including those with a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon. Propellant sprays used for personal protection and self-defense purposes are allowed. Students who are deputized law enforcement officers and are legally qualified to carry firearms may do so while on campus as long as they are carrying all necessary identification to do so. However, all weapons must be concealed. Absent law enforcement status, no concealed weapons are permitted on campus pursuant to 430ILCS, effective Jan. 1, 2014.
Under 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/21-6, a weapon is defined as “a handgun, sawed-off shotgun, sawed-off rifle, any other firearm small enough to be concealed upon the person, semiautomatic firearm, or machine gun…any other rifle, shotgun, spring gun, other firearm, stun gun or taser as defined in paragraph (a) of Section 24-1 of this Code, knife with a blade of at least 3 inches in length, dagger, dirk, switchblade knife, stiletto, ax, hatchet, or other deadly or dangerous weapon or instrument of like character…a bludgeon, black-jack, slingshot, sand-bag, sand-club, metal knuckles, billy or other dangerous weapon of like character.”
Pepper spray and mace are classified as a weapon under Canadian law and therefore are prohibited. This prohibition applies to all students, employees, independent contractors, and visitors, including deputized law enforcement officers who are off duty.For the purposes of this policy, a weapon is defined as “anything used, designed to be used or intended for use (a) in causing death or injury to any person, or (b) for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person and…includes a firearm” which is defined as “a barreled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other projectile can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes any frame or receiver of such a barreled weapon and anything that can be adapted for use as a firearm” (Section 2 of Canada’s Criminal Code R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46).